Certifications PRINCE2 (1)
Certifications PRINCE2 (1)
Pour mener à bien des projets, il vaut mieux connaître les bases et fondamentaux du management de projet.
Le management de projet est un ensemble d’outils, techniques et méthodes qui permettent au chef de projet et à son équipe de conduire, coordonner et harmoniser les diverses tâches exécutées dans le cadre du projet.
Il regroupe entre autres :
- la gestion de projet
- la direction du projet
- la conduite de projet
- le pilotage de projet
- …
Des certifications ont été mises en place pour attester des compétences des Chefs de Projet.
A la méthode PRINCE2 sont associées 3 certifications :
- PRINCE2 Foundation
- PRINCE2Practitioner
- PRINCE2Professional
Les examens de certifications PRINCE2 sont encadrés par la joint venture APMG International.
APMG (APM Group) International is the most reputed global accreditation and examination institute.
APMG accredits organizations to deliver training courses and consultancy services for a broad range of professional certification schemes.
A long history of accrediting organizations worldwide – combined with rigorous assessment process means that APMG accredited organizations are recognized for their commitment to delivering exceptional service.
APMG have a diverse portfolio of certification schemes including internationally renowned solutions for project, business and IT management, Cyber Security and Public-private partnerships.
A portfolio of certification schemes – supported by our network of APMG accredited organizations makes it easy to find a nearby training course or consultancy service.
APMG’s certification schemes, exam and accreditation services support a goal of enabling organizations and professionals to maximise their effectiveness through use of the latest methodologies and core competencies.
The Ethics and Standards Board is responsible for ensuring that The APM Group adheres to good governance standards and works ethically, representing the interests of all our stakeholders.
APMG International is ISO/IEC 20000 is an international standard allowing organizations to demonstrate excellence in IT Service Management.
Plus d’informations ici.
Les différents référentiels tels que PRINCE2, mais aussi ITIL par exemple sont publiés par AXELOS, voir ici.
Le Cabinet Office est à l’origine de la création des différents référentiels.
Délivrance des cours pour préparer les certifications PRINCE2
Toute organisation, entreprise ou centre de formation peut délivrer des cours de préparations aux certifications PRINCE2.
Il n’est pas obligatoire d’être ATO (Accredited Training Organization).
Les cours doit être animés par un formateur certifié PRINCE2 Practitioner.
Les examens peuvent être organisés par tout centre de formation,. En voici les modalités :
- présence d’un formateur certifié PRINCE2 Practitioner
- celui-ci doit être placé sous la supervision d’une personne accréditée par l’APMG
- l’examen peut se faire sur papiers ou en ligne
PRINCE2 Foundation
PRINCE2 Foundation est le premier niveau de certification, il garantit que vous connaissez les bases et fondamentaux de la méthode PRINCE2.
Who is Foundation for?
Project Managers and aspiring Project Managers. It is also relevant to other key staff involved in the design, development and delivery of projects, including: Project Board members (e.g. Senior Responsible Owners), Team Managers (e.g. Product Delivery Managers), Project Assurance (e.g. Business Change Analysts), Project Support (e.g. Project and Programme Office personnel) and operational line managers/staff.
What are the key things you will learn ?
The characteristics and context of a project and the benefits of adopting PRINCE2.
The purpose of the PRINCE2 roles, management products and themes.
The PRINCE2 principles.
The purpose, objectives and context of the PRINCE2 processes.
Exam format
Multiple choice
75 questions per paper
5 questions to be trial and not counted in scores
35 marks required to pass (out of 70 available), 50%
60 minutes duration
Closed book
PRINCE2 Practitioner
Prince2 Practitioner est le deuxième niveau de certification PRINCE2, il atteste que vous êtes un Chef de Projet capable de mener un projet en utilisant la méthode PRINCE2.
What is required ?
Proof that you have passed one of the following :
- PRINCE2 Foundation
- mais il peut y avoir des équivalences avec :
- Project Management Professional (PMP)
- Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)
- IPMA Level A® (Certified Projects Director)
- IPMA Level B® (Certified Senior Project Manager)
- IPMA Level C® (Certified Project Manager)
- IPMA Level D® (Certified Project Management Associate)
Who is Practitioner for ?
Project managers and aspiring project managers. It is also relevant to other key staff involved in the design, development and delivery of projects, including: Project Board members (e.g. Senior Responsible Owners), Team Managers (e.g. Product Delivery Managers), Project Assurance (e.g. Business Change Analysts), Project Support (e.g. Project and Programme Office personnel) and operational line managers/staff.
What are the key things you will learn ?
The relationships between the roles, management products, principles, themes, techniques and processes.
Applying the principles, themes and processes to a project.
How to create and assess management products.
Exam format
Objective testing
8 questions – 10 question items per question, each worth one mark
44 marks or more required to pass (out of 80 available), 55%
Two-and-a-half hours (150 minutes) duration, no additional reading time
Open book exam (official PRINCE2 manual only)
PRINCE2 Practitioner re-registration
All PRINCE2 Practitioners should be re-registered within 3-5 calendar years of their original certification. If you have taken the PRINCE2 Practitioner certification since October 2000 you have agreed, or are agreeing, to this requirement as part of your initial application and so are now designated as Registered Practitioners.
I was PRINCE2 Practitioner certified before October 2000:
Practitioners certified prior to October 2000* have the opportunity to take the re-registration examination in order to demonstrate their commitment to professional development.
*Please Note:
The date applicable to Practitioners via our Benelux office is 1st May 2008. Practitioners certified prior to May 2008 have the opportunity to take the re-registration examination.
The date applicable to Australian Practitioners is 1st January 2010. Practitioners certified prior to January 2010 have the opportunity to take the re-registration examination.
Exam format
Objective testing
3 questions – 10 question items per question, each worth one mark
17 marks or more required to pass (out of 30 available) – 55%
1 hour (60 minute) duration, no additional reading time
Open book exam (official PRINCE2 manual only)
PRINCE2 Professional
PRINCE2 Professional est le dernier niveau de certification, il garantit au Chef de Projet la maîtrise de la méthode PRINCE2.
What is required ?
PRINCE2 Practitioner Certificate
What are the key things you will learn ?
This level will test your ability to manage a non-complex PRINCE2 project across all aspects of the project lifecycle.
Exam format
2 ½ day residential Assessment Centre
Group activities and exercises
Based on a fictional project case study
Assessment is against 19 individual performance criteria (there is no written examination)
Le lundi 6 novembre 2017, voici les droits à payer pour passer les examens PRINCE2 :
- PRINCE2 Foundation : 335 €
- PRINCE2 Practitioner : 463 €
L’inscription se fait auprès de l’APMG.
Centre de formation accrédité : ATO (Accredited Training Organization)
Establish excellence with APMG accreditation, ensure your organization is recognized for its commitment to delivering exceptional service.
APMG has a rich history of accrediting organizations to deliver training courses and consultancy services for its broad range of professional certification schemes. We accredit training organizations and consulting organizations to become recognized as esteemed Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs) and Accredited Consulting Organizations (ACOs).
Inspire confidence in your organization’s training courses, apply to have your training organization accredited to deliver training courses for our professional certification schemes. Join our network of esteemed APMG Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs).
Receiving APMG training accreditation provides a plethora of benefits. Our accreditation service is comprehensive – assessing your organization’s trainers, course materials and delivery. This ensures your organization is committed to delivering exemplary training.
By displaying the APMG accredited status – customers can be confident in the standard of training your organization will provide.
Becoming an ATO also enables your organization to deliver exams in over 20 languages, book and deliver exams using our secure online systems – complete with instant provisional results, Scan & Shred technology and our secure Invigilator Portal.
More informations
Plus d’informations en ligne sur le blog de l’APMG.
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