Agile and XP (eXtreme Programming)

novembre 25, 2015

Agile and XP (eXtreme Programming)

Extreme programming (XP) is a programmer-centric agile framework that focuses on small, ongoing releases.

XP highlights several principles: pair programming, sustainable pace, ongoing automated testing, effective communication, simplicity, feedback, courage, collective ownership, continuous integration, energized work, shared workspaces, on-site customer representation, and the use of metaphor to describe concepts. [Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game – 2nd Edition. Alistair Cockburn.]

XP is generally considered to be the originator of user stories. [User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development. Mike Cohn.]

The best role for a customer in XP is to write well-defined user stories. [User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development. Mike Cohn.]

Technical debt

Technical debt is not an XP practice.

Technical debt is total sum of less than perfect design and implementation decisions in the product, technical debt needs to be monitored and controlled.

Sit together (XP advocates an open space big enough for the whole team)

Slack (XP recommends that in any plan it is better to include some minor tasks that can be dropped if you get behind. You can always add more stories later and deliver more than you promised.)

Energized (work only as many hours as you can be productive and only as many hours as you can sustain.)

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