Test certification Scrum n°3 (6) : 10 questions

octobre 23, 2015

Test scrum (10 questions)

Question 1 / 10

Which technique is a productive method for the ScrumMaster to use to help facilitate communication between the Team and Product Owner?

A. Teach the team to talk in terms of business needs and objectives

B.Teach the Product Owner about the technologies employed during the Sprints

C. Facilitate collaborative meetings between them

D. All of these

Question 2 / 10

What are the three components of an empirical process?

A. Feedback, courage, and simplicity

B. Planning, taking action, and checking for quality

C. Planning, committing, and measuring

D. Transparency, inspection, and adaptation

Question 3 / 10

After a Team has committed to a Sprint goal, what authority does it have?

A. The team has authority to swap Sprint backlog items with Product Backlog items if it cannot finish them

B. The team works according to the priorities set by the ScrumMaster, as the ScrumMaster is committed to the Scrum Framework.

C. The Team does whatever is necessary to achieve the goal.

D. The Team works under the authority of the Product Architect, who has set the definition of done.

Question 4 / 10

Once a team starts a Sprint, who determines how the team does its work?

A. Team lead

B. Project Manager

C. ScrumMaster

D. team

Question 5 / 10

Which statement is accurate about the role of the Product Owner during the Daily Scrum?

A.The Product Owner ensures the Burndown rate is maintained at the estimated rate.

B.The Product Owner’s participation is defined by the Team.

C.The Product owner outlines the additional changes that must be absorbed by the team in Sprint

D.The Product Owner provides instruction to the Team on how to implement a workable solution.

Question 6 / 10

What happens if, during a sprint, the Product Owner identifies a new, important Product Backlog item (PBI)?

A.The ScrumMaster encourages the Team to include the extra item

B.The Team works overtime to finish the PBI in the current sprint

C.The Product Owner adds the new PBI to the Product Backlog

D.The team extends the Sprint duration to include the new item

Question 7 / 10

If a Team member is consistently late for the Daily Scrum, what is usually the first thing a team should do?

A.Report the Team member to his or her manager

B.Meet with the Team member to determine a solution

C.Have the Team member do the testing

D.Ask the ScrumMaster to move the Team member off the Team.

Question 8 / 10

Why should the Product Owner attend the Daily Scrum?

A.To tell the Team which tasks to work on next and update the Product Backlog

B.To make sure the Team is still on target for its Sprint goals

C.To comment on the Team’s progress

D.To see the progress being made and determine whether the team needs help

Question 9 / 10

During a Daily Scrum meeting, Olivia mentions she has found some open source code she thinks will solve one of the problems she has been working on. She wants to implement it immediately. What is the best next step?

A.After the Daily Scrum meeting is held, a separate meeting is conducted to discuss the open source solution

B.All members of the Team are told to evaluate Olivia’s solution and report back to the team at the next Daily Scrum meeting

C.The Product Owner notes the impediment and solves the problem after the meeting.

D.The ScrumMaster tells Olivia to prepare an example and presentation for the Team so they can consider using the code.

Question 10 / 10

Who is primarily responsible for ensuring that everyone follows Scrum rules and practices?

A.The ScrumMaster

B.Each individual developer

C.All Team members collectively

D.The Product Owner

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