Test certification Scrum n°1 (2) : 24 questions and answers

octobre 23, 2015

Scrum test (24 questions)

1- If you are truly doing scrum, you should release to production at the end of each sprint.

Answer : B


2- What is the most effective way to order the product backlog ?
A-it is up to the Product Owner to decide.

Answer : A


3- Time can be allocated between sprints for integration testing.

Answer : B


4- In scrum teams decide which events take place during a sprint.

Answer : B


5- Which two things do not occur in the first sprint ?
A-Develop the complete architecture.
B-Finalize the complete product backlog
C-Develop something of value to the customer.
D-Create potentially release software.

Answer : A, B


6- Who is responsible for maximizing the value of the product backlog ?
B-Product owner
C-Product owner and team
D-Scrum Master and product owner

Answer : B


7- What type of process in scrum ?

Answer : A


8- In what ways do the product owner manage the value of the product ?
(pick two)
A- User acceptance testing
B- Product Backlog order
C- MoSCoW analysis
D- Customer feedback via frequent releases

Answer : B, D


9- What are two ways in which the Product Owner manage Inspection of the increment ?
A- By presenting the status of the Product Backlog at the Sprint Review
B- By reviewing it during Product Backlog Refinement
C- By inviting stakeholders to give feedbacks during the Sprint Review
D- By attending the Sprint Retrospective

Answer : A, C


10- Work that does not meet the definition of Done should be completed in the next Sprint.
A- False
B- True

Answer : A


11- Which of the following terms are optional in Scrum ? (pick two)
A- Burdown
B- Definition of Done
C- Backlog
D- Increment
E- Velocity

Answer : A, E


12- When is a sprint finished ?
A- When the time-boxed duration is met
B- When the Product Owner accepts the Increment
C- When the definition of Done is met
D- When the work remaining is zero

Answer : A


13- Who tracks work remaining in the Product Bcklog ?
A- Scrum Master
B- Development Team
C- Product Owner
D- Senior executives

Answer : C


14- What scrum event or artifact is the single source of requirements for any change to be made for the product ?
A- Daily Scrum
B- Increment
C- Product Backlog
D- Scrum
E- Sprint

Answer : C


15- The Product Owner must frequently review Scrum artifacts and progress toward a Sprint Goal to detect indesirables variances. Which pillar of Scrum does this represent ?
A- Transparency
B- Inspection
C- Adaptation

Answer : B


16- What is the standard time for the Daily Scrum?
1. 5 minutes
2. 15 minutes
3. 30 minutes
4. As long as it takes

Answer : 2


17- The company director approaches a member of the development team to add some new functionality in to the current Sprint. What should they do?
1. Add it in to the Sprint
2. Add it in to the Sprint and remove a similar sized piece of work
3. Add it in to the next Sprint
4. Inform the Product Owner and get the two talking asap

Answer : 4

You need to resist changes to scope mid-Sprint – this breaks the committment between The Team and the Product Owner. A developer really needs to let the Product Owner deal with this as it is their domain. May be the director is not aware that this functionality is not required, or it is lower in priority. Either way it is best that those two thrash it out first without immediately changing direction mid-Sprint which is not good practice.


18- Scrum is the appropriate weapon of choice for any kind of software development?
1. true
2. false

Answer : 2

Scrum is great for tackling large, complex and/or risky projects. But if you have a small, easy and/or predictable project you might like to just crack out the waterfall. Surprising answer – but true. Also, let me know where you work because I have rarely find such projects – but then again they do sound a bit boring.


19- How should the Product backlog be organised?
1. Longer tasks at the top
2. Easier tasks at the top
3. Most important at the top
4. Randomly

Answer : 3

The Product backlog must be organised in to business priority. It is sometimes necessary to rejuggle according to risk and size, but ultimately the business case for each task takes priority.


20- Which of the following is NOT an artifact in a typical Scrum project?
1. Product backlog
2. Gantt chart
3. Sprint backlog
4. Burndown char

Answer : 2

There is still some debate as to whether there are three or four artifacts. However it can be said with certainty that a Gantt chart is NOT a typical Scrum artifact. The Scrum Primer, MountainGoatSoftware.com, and Do Better Scrum all include the product backlog, sprint backlog, and burndown charts in their lists of artifacts.


21- Which of the following is NOT a Scrum role?
1. Project manager
2. Team
3. ScrumMaster
4. Product owner

Answer : 1

Mike Cohn discusses in Chapter 8 of Succeeding with Agile, how former Project Managers need to change to become effective Scrum Masters.
From Do Better Scrum: « The responsibilities of the traditional project manager are divided over the three roles in the Scrum Team:
The Product Owner manages the product (and return on investment)
The ScrumMaster manages the process
The team manages itself. »


22- A Sprint planning meeting happens everyday at the same time and place. True or false?
1. True
2. False

Answer : 2

This describes the Daily Scrum. A Sprint planning meeting occurs at the beginning of each Sprint with the view to organise the work for that Sprint.


23- How will The Team know when a backlog item is completed?
1. The test team say it is completed
2. The ScrumMaster says it is completed
3. It meets the team and product owner’s negotiated definition of done
4. When the Sprint is completed
5. None of the above

Answer : 3

It is important to learn that the Sprint planning meeting is the time and place where The Team and the Product Owner need to agree what will constitute « done » for each Spring backlog item. Everything follows from this. An experienced ScrumMaster will sniff out any discussions or ideas that will deviate from this agreement.


24- In the ‘Manifesto for Agile Software Development’, ‘Working software’ is preferred over which of the following?
1. Processes and tools
2. Project managers
3. Comprehensive documentation
4. No documentation

Answer : 3

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