Agile prioritization

avril 21, 2018

Agile prioritization The Agile prioritization is the relative ordering of user stories with respect to value and risk. An agile team must always face the prioritization of product features in its product backlog. From release planning to iteration planning, an agile team must prioritize the user stories/features of its product to ensure that high-quality and […]


Agile terminology (4)

avril 21, 2018

Agile terminology (4) Incremental delivery A cornerstone of Agile development is ‘incremental delivery.’ Incremental delivery is the frequent delivery of working products, which are successively improved, to a customer for immediate feedback and acceptance. Typically, a product is delivered at the end of each sprint or iteration for demonstration and feedback. In this feedback technique, […]


Agile communication management

avril 20, 2018

Agile communication management Effective communication Effective communication is a cornerstone of agile. Communication is the act of transferring information among various parties. Communications management is a knowledge and skill area of agile that highlights this importance. PMI has several definitions regarding communications management and agile builds on top of these to add its own perspective: […]


Agile terminology (3)

avril 20, 2018

Agile terminology (3) Value chain Collaboration, responding to change, working software and individuals and interactions are on the higher side of the customer value chain. Processes and tools, comprehensive documentation, contract negotiation and following a plan are on the lower side of the customer value chain. The highest priority is to satisfy the customer through […]


Agile project management

avril 20, 2018

Agile project management Key characteristics of agile project management include: continuous improvement, cross-functional teams, short iterations, an incremental approach, and business priorities and customer value. [The Art of Agile Development. James Shore.] Agile triangle The agile triangle includes value, quality, and constraints as its parameters. [Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products – 2nd Edition. Jim Highsmith.] […]


Agile Knowledge and Skills (2)

avril 20, 2018

Agile Knowledge and Skills (2) : Agile Manifesto values and principles The authors of Agile Manifesto are the founding members of Agile Alliance. Ken Schwaber founded Agile Alliance in 2001 after the Agile Manifesto was published. Agile Manifesto values include the following: Individuals and interaction over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer […]


Agile Knowledge and Skills (1)

avril 20, 2018

Agile Knowledge and Skills : Level 1 Active listening One communication technique to reduce misunderstanding and miscommunication is active listening. A well run agile project necessitates both good listeners and communicators, active listening helps work towards both of these necessities. The basics of active listening include: 1) Being present and focusing your attention on the […]


Self assessment

avril 20, 2018

Self assessment In social psychology, self-assessment is the process of looking at oneself in order to assess aspects that are important to one’s identity. It is one of the motives that drive self-evaluation, along with self-verification and self-enhancement. Sedikides (1993) suggests that the self-assessment motive will prompt people to seek information to confirm their uncertain […]


Agile terminology (2)

avril 20, 2018

Agile terminology (2) Project charter The project charter is an important governing document that requires all stakeholder participation. Although experts recommend it not be longer than a page in length, creating a project charter can be challenging, as all stakeholders must participate and come to a consensus. Three key elements should be included in a […]


Agile Teams

avril 20, 2018

Agile Teams In Agile environment, we are building high-performance teams. Building a high-performance team is critical to any project’s success. A high performance team has the right team members, is empowered, has built trust, works at a sustainable pace, has consistently high velocity/productivity, takes regular time for reflection to review work, has a team lead […]


Agile terminology (1)

avril 20, 2018

Agile Terminology Caves and common The XP phrase ‘caves and common’ refers to the creation of two zones for team members. The common area is a public space where osmotic communication and collaboration are largely at play. The caves is a private space is reserved for private tasks that require an isolated and quiet environment. […]


Technical debt

avril 20, 2018

Technical debt Technical debt is not an XP practice. Technical debt is total sum of less than perfect design and implementation decisions in the product. Technical debt needs to be monitored and controlled. Sit together-XP advocates an open space big enough for the whole team Slack- XP recommends that in any plan it is better […]


Agile failures

avril 20, 2018

Agile failures The top 12 causes of agile failure (failure modes) according to Aaron Sanders: 1. A checkbook commitment doesn’t automatically cause organizational change or support. 2. Culture doesn’t support change. 3. Culture does not have retrospectives or performs them poorly. 4. Standards and quality are lost in a race to project closing. 5.Lack of […]


Agile frameworks and terminology

avril 20, 2018

Agile frameworks and terminology Common frameworks or methodologies used within agile include: scrum, extreme programming (XP), lean software development, crystal, feature driven development (FDD), dynamic systems development method (DSDM), agile unified process (AUP). [Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game – 2nd Edition. Alistair Cockburn.] Agile methods offer several benefits including faster time to market, more business […]


Agile and Soft skills negotiation

avril 20, 2018

Agile and Soft skills negotiation Key soft skills negotiation qualities for the effective implementation and practice of agile are: emotional intelligence, collaboration, adaptive leadership, negotiation, conflict resolution, servant leadership. [Coaching Agile Teams. Lyssa Adkins.] Soft skills negociation : Emotional intelligence Collaboration Adaptive leadership Negotiation Conflict resolution Servant leadership Adaptive leadership : Highsmith defines adaptive leadership […]